Archive for November 29th, 2009


Off the Grid

November 29, 2009

This map is insane. I think it’s extremely misleading, but Revkin’s linked to it at Dot Earth so it probably deserves some comment. Looking back over my e-mails from the past week, I suspect that a map charted from my own correspondences would be pretty similar. I’m on several international distribution lists and listservs, and what with Copenhagen heating up, it wouldn’t be hard to reconstruct something similarly broad-reaching. Moreover, since there’s no information on who said what and how parties were linked, the map is more of a commentary on the global reach of information transfer than on a web of intercalated responsibility.


Accidental Misintepretations

November 29, 2009

My son Jasper and I were watching Wall-E last night. In the middle of the movie, he turned to me and asked:

“Dad…so, if we throw our garbage all over Colorado, then the robots will be able to live here?”

He’s three and a half.